Career Exploration: Medical Careers

Dr. Pearl Grimes and Dr. Swamy VenuturupalliWe sincerely thank Dr. Pearl Grimes, a long-time supporter of Value Schools and founder of the Coalition for At-Risk Restoring Youth (CARRY) Foundation, for collaborating with the Value Schools Foundation to organize an exceptional Speakers Series Session featuring Dr. Swamy Venuturupalli. Value Schools' students from 8th grade to 12th grade, aspiring to pursue careers in the medical field, eagerly registered for the opportunity to hear insights from both Dr. Grimes and Dr. Venuturupalli.
Dr. Pearl Grimes and Dr. Swamy Venuturupalli Dr. Pearl Grimes and Dr. Swamy Venuturupalli
Dr. Grimes is enthusiastic about inspiring the next generation of healthcare professionals educated at Value Schools.
Dr. Grimes Dr. Pearl Grimes and Dr. Swamy Venuturupalli
Dr. Venuturupalli explains the importance of excellent communication skills and perseverance.During the session, sponsored by CARRY, Dr. Venuturupalli shared the fundamental qualities essential for success in the medical field. Firstly, he emphasized the importance of demonstrating compassion, empathy, and the humility to seek assistance when needed. Secondly, he highlighted the significance of resilience, a strong work ethic, and the willingness to collaborate and research alongside peers in overcoming challenges. Thirdly, he underscored the necessity of possessing excellent communication skills through listening, writing, and speaking.

“My interest in a medical career increased as a result of this event, I want to have an impact on people’s lives by helping and caring about their health.”
– 8th Everest grade student

The future doctors!

Dr. Venuturupalli concluded his presentation by expressing his deep passion for his life's work – a message our teachers share with our students every day at Value Schools.

Dr. Grimes imparted anecdotes from her career as a practicing dermatologist, researcher, and educator. Her final message to our students was succinct yet powerful:

"This is my JOY."

The CARRY Foundation will continue to provide speakers from the medical field to our Value Schools’ students throughout the school year.

“Before today, I was not sure I could become a doctor, but with passion and dedication, I learned that anything is possible.
–Tenth grade student

We collect surveys from our students after each Career Exploration Event. Here are the results from this event:

"I would recommend this Medical Career Exploration to a classmate"
18 of 19 Strongly Agreed and 1 Agreed

"Career Exploration events like this inspire me to work harder at school"
17 of 19 Strongly Agreed and 2 Agreed

"Value Schools Foundation should create more Career Exploration events like this"
18 of 19 Strongly Agreed and 1 Agreed


Stay tuned for more stories from our Career Exploration series at Value Schools!